The Right Price: The Other Costs in Commercial Lease Terms Tenants Should Keep in Mind

By James A. Schnur, CCIM
President and Designated Managing Broker
Integrated Real Estate Solutions

Once the perfect relocation spot is scouted and secured, and the paperwork is drawn up and presented, there is a strong temptation to rush through lease clauses and sign off without scrutiny to just tie a bow on the deal and be done with it. But rushing into signing a commercial lease without giving the terms a thorough read can have detrimental consequences, particularly financially.  Having a tenant representation broker as well as a competent real estate attorney provide their services in looking over a lease before it’s signed is critical in this respect. By doing the due diligence and bringing in expert help, commercial renters and buyers are able to address many easily overlooked lease terms — such as the following — and avoid any costly oversights in the process.  Continue reading “The Right Price: The Other Costs in Commercial Lease Terms Tenants Should Keep in Mind”

Real Estate Dilemma – To Lease or to Buy? When That Is the Question

Unlike Hamlet, you don’t have go mad trying to find the answer. But you do have to begin with the end in mind.

By Jim Schnur, CCIM
President and Designated Managing Broker
Integrated Real Estate Solutions

Poor Hamlet struggled with “to be or not to be?” and seemed to drive himself crazy. Fortunately, “lease or buy” isn’t quite that challenging, but business owners too often struggle more than they have to. Seeing the decision as part of a company’s broader business strategy, as we do, can help. Continue reading “Real Estate Dilemma – To Lease or to Buy? When That Is the Question”