By James A. Schnur, CCIM
President and Designated Managing Broker
Integrated Real Estate Solutions
Driven by a shift in the demographics dominating today’s workforce — from older generations looking to capitalize on their disposable income as they transition into retirement to millennials continuing to occupy greater space within the working world — businesses have adapted by relocating into urban areas to better target the rising population of workers and consumers shunning suburban lifestyles for city-living. With the increased interest in urban land and business space comes a spike in prices for newer, modern real-estate developments, which in turn can be cost-prohibitive for some business owners looking to capitalize by making the move into a city. Fortunately, alternatives exist to counter-balance these obstacles, in the form of “adaptive reuse” properties — i.e. the redevelopment of existing, older commercial properties within the city for modern business uses, drawing from the established architectural foundation of the urban centers. Continue reading “Repurposing with Purpose: Advantages in the Redevelopment of Older Buildings for New Uses”